- !_ast Monster - A 2D platformer. Made for Finally Finish Something Jam 2022 #FFSjam. Original concept for Ludum Dare #32.
- Harvest Valley - A farming sim. Made for MakeCode Arcade Garden Jam #ArcadeJam
- Money Quest - An RPG using only default assets. Made for 5th Annual Driftwood Jam #5ADJ
- Dear Broster - For RuinJam 2014. First FPS I made in Unity 3D. Elf did the art for the collectables and I digitally butchered it.
- Resident Fleaville (aka Boots and Penny RPG) - Unfinished, silly RPG where our pets are the main characters. Made in 72 hours for the Humble Bundle/RPG Maker 2014 compo.
The Dog Whisperer - A short game I made for MolyJam 2013. Spoilers: the dog dies at the end.
Unfortunately, the executable and source have been lost, but the game can still be viewed on archive.org, and through this (bad ending) gameplay video.
Also covered in BuzzFeed (...sort of). - Dream Generator - a short, rough, one-button game inspired by a dream about circuitry and industry. ( download hosted on mediafire)
- Bug Basher - An arcade game about bashing bugs and grabbing cash.
- Legends of Awesomeness - A fantasy text adventure like the Infocom ones from the 80s.
Gamejam Games:
Non-Jam Games: